Monday, September 9, 2024

On debating God with Don Page

I once found myself in an intriguing Internet debate where Don Page, a physicist and cosmologist, made a case for the existence of God. Inspired by our discussion and with a touch of A.I. magic, I crafted a poem that reflects the conversation. Here it is. 


On debating God with Don Page


“Oh, the Universe is grand and wide!”

Said Don, with a knowing cosmic pride,

“The simplest answer must be right,

So God’s the key to cosmic light!”

And when he looked at stars so bright,

He saw them twinkle with delight,

“I’ve got it!” he cried, in a scientific way,

“It’s the simplest answer I must say!”

Yet as he watched the galaxies spin,

He found that humor was tucked within,

For though he searched through space and time,

He couldn’t find a rhyme or reason for the Divine.

But if you ever wonder, late at night,

Why Jesus In The Clouds seems so bright,

Just remember Don’s cosmic play,

It is the Deity Don saw in the Milky Way!


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